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For those of you Running Linux & 2k/XP, something cool..

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Oh this is waaaay coool. Now I won't have to curse every time I get a "command not found" because i typed ls instead of dir.

Thanx smile

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Oh this is waaaay coool. Now I won't have to curse every time I get a "command not found" because i typed ls instead of dir.
Thanx smile

I do that entirely too much.

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Not to detract from Alec's post, but I've always found this file useful:


Named "ls.bat"


@echo off

dir /p %1 %2 %3 %4 %5


You can also use dir /w and you can use as many %x as you like.


You could also write one to emulate "SU"


ie "su.bat"


@echo off

runas /env /user:domain\administrator %1 %2 %3 %4 %5


Just some ideas.

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