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problem with windows IE 6 from OUTLOOK EXPRESS or down links

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In outlook express, if i click on a HTML link (a valid on), it open Internet explorer but the windows stay BLANK. in this windows is impossible to do anything, i ve to clause it to make my PC re-work...


If i click on a DOWNLINK on a webpage, i ve the same problem




Does anybody knows this problem ?

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In outlook express, if i click on a HTML link (a valid on), it open Internet explorer but the windows stay BLANK. in this windows is impossible to do anything, i ve to clause it to make my PC re-work...

When you say it stays blank, do you mean that there is literally nothing there or does it give an error? Also is there an address in the addressbar or is the address bar even there?


If i click on a DOWNLINK on a webpage, i ve the same problem

Not sure what you mean by "DOWNLINK"

Also what version of IE are you using?

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It's been a while since the last time I used IE.. but I can't recall having any problem that could be similar to what you're describing in your post.


Is it SP1? I would also appreciate if you could post a build number..

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I 've WINDOWS XP SP1 and all the (fucking) microsoft updates and fix.


When i click on a link in outlook, or when i click on a DOWNLOAD (file) link in a IE windows, IE hang !!!!


From OULTOOK, the new windows appear but empty (i can still see outlook) but this windows hang outlook. I ve to close it to re-use outlook.


From IE, if i click on a DOWNLOAD (file) link, the windows HANG, i ve to click right with my mouse and ask to download the file.


May be a problem since i install : EMULE PLUS 1.C or other application ?


Now, i would like to reinstall IE 6 but with the microsoft SETUP files, it tell me that i ve ever the last version of IE


SO, i hope that nobody had to resolved this problem and know the solution (REGISTRY KEY ????????)


Thank you MISTERS for the interest that you "take" to my problem !!



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In the new windows (which is open when i click on a link in outlook express), the adress bar is empty !!!


If i write some link in, it work !!


So, the problem is that when i click on a link in outlook express, the linked adress is not in the new IE windows


OUf, hard to explain , but now, i should be easy for you guys to resolve !!!

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In the new windows (which is open when i click on a link in outlook express), the adress bar is empty !!!

If i write some link in, it work !!

So, the problem is that when i click on a link in outlook express, the linked adress is not in the new IE windows

OUf, hard to explain , but now, i should be easy for you guys to resolve !!!

I have noticed that before and I believe it was with Outlook Express. I very rarely click links in emails though so I didn't persue it.

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