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Any tweaks for Progman.exe?

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Having just starting using Program Manager as my shell for XP I was wondering whether I could tweak it in any way.


For example change the background colour from the default drab grey, specify where minimized apps go (top instead of bottom of the screen), alter group names once they have been created, create a group called 'Startup' and have shortcuts I place in that load with my user profile (like in Win 3.1 & NT 3.x) and change the text on the title bar etc etc


Any ideas welcome, Thanks. smile

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Hi Curley Boy,

I'm not trying to offend you but that has gotta be the stupidest thing I've ever heard smile. I'm sure it's faster and if you're running Windows XP on a Pentium I class system (if it would even install under such conditions), it's probably not that illogical, otherwise I'm simply perplexed. The usability, efficiency, and aesthetic enhancements to the Windows operating system since Windows 3.X are substantial. I will agree that to a Win 3.X, windows XP will seem to be a pile of bloatware. Admitedly the first thing I did when I started usingof Windows XP at work was turn off half the visual enhancements. I basically made it look and behave more like Windows 2000. I to felt like a fish out of water when I started using Windows 95, which was also a big change for the Windows Operating system, however once I gave things a chance I found that most of the features had been improved and I learned to accept the differences. Windows 3.1 is now over 10 years old surely you didn't think that the World's largest and most influential software company wouldn't progress in their operating system since then. I realize it's more complicated, but heh it also does inexplicably more. If you still want simplicity, why not install sisoft display doctor and go back and just run windows 3.X? Otherwise you'll have to hop in a canoe and row through the changes with the rest of us smile.

Good luck I'm sure you'll get the hang of things, and I know all those changes must be a lot to take all at once. Also Windows 3.X is far less stable than any of the Windows 32 operating systems. Windows 3.X had a severe memory leak that made it necessary to reboot almost every 8 hours just to keep things working optimally. There have been so many improvements to windows since 3.X I would be wasting my time to list them here.

Good Luck,

Christian Blackburn

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Yes I use both Progman and File Manager in XP... worth their weight in gold, super fast, super light (not leaky) and super stable smile

Dude, you just posted this yesterday in response to this one http://www.ntcompatible.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=24712

Whats up? ;( How long have you been using it to know that it's super fast, stable, not leaky and all that?


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NT 3.51 was the MOST stable version of any NT based Operating System to date if you ask me.

To be honest Alec out of all the versions of Windows I think NT 3.51 and sub 3.0 are the only versions I've never used. I've used Windows 3.0, 3.1, 3.11, Win95, 95A, B, C, 98, 98SE, NT 4, WinME, Win2K, and WinXP. In fact I had a 386 up until early 1996 and still used Win 3.11. Which means I have no fear of a command prompt laugh. I will have to take your word it on the stability bit, because I've never used it.

It also doesn't surprise me that Progman.exe and WinFile.exe are extremely stable components they've been around for years and are tried and true. They also don't do much, which means there's not much that can break or slow the system down. I still think WinFile with two horizontally stretching window panes is a tough file manager to beat. I use PowerDesk when I miss the dual pane beauty, but WinFile sure was fast. Unfortunately that crashes all the time so I'm not a big fan. I imagine you have it or have used it in the past since you've got Mijenix SystemSuite. I suppose your's is Ontrack's though since it's 4.X. Although now the suite belongs to V-COM smile. My dad just recently bought Acronis's PowerTools. Have you ever used it? It's not particularly good at anything it does, but it basically does every major feature that system utilities offer.
#1. Backup
#2. Partition Resizer
#3. Boot Manager
#4. Virus Scanner
#5. Virtual CD/DVD Drive Emulator
#6. Data Wiper
#7. Data Recovery
#8. Performance Optmizer

I've only used the Partition Resizer, Boot Manager, and Backup Utilities. The backup utility is pretty cool, it works inside of windows, which is a double-edged sword I suppose. The Parition Resizer sucks, because it only supports Fat16/32 conversions. It will however let you size your clusters at whatever size will give you the most disk space. Since I'm low on disk space I comprimised a little performance for another 500MB disk space on my 8.5GB OS/Application Partition.


he's not using the Win3x shell & programs, that would not be prudent OR possible I don't think

Actually he is using the Win3X shell, that's exactly what Progman.exe is. Sure it's been retrofitted a little to work with Win32, but it's still essentially the same program. I don't think he's trying to run Win16 apps, but he may be doing that too, since his behavior is characteristic of someone who misses Win16's simplicity. Which every now and again I do too smile.

Oh also How's the next version of APK Tools coming along? Did you get everything working with InnoSetup?
Adios Amigo,

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