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Moving Win2K Server Partition to new HDD.., Plz help...

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Recently I use PowerQuest DeployCenter (similar to Ghost) to use "Copy disk to disk" function to move everything from old HDD to new HDD


After completed, i set my new HDD W2K Server Partition as "Active" in PartitionMagic


I am successfully loaded in W2K, but - after I logged in, i need to wait for a minute or so, and then it said "no paging file found", and there's instructions showing how to make paging file, After i press "OK", it automatically bounce back to Login screen rather than continuing...


I tried tons of times.......


And then i realize my paging file is set to another drive :x (E:\) rather than C:\, at that moment E:\ cannot be found in the system yet


Therefore I make a E:\ partition, copy the old paging files to E:\, restart, login. This time the "No paging file found" is disappeared, but it still not let me continue - automatically bounce back to login screen.


Well.....guys i need your help I have tried my best in this matter. frown And I appreciated all your helps provided for me and will not forgotten. Cheers! :P

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Make sure the machine has at least 128 MB ram, that should be enough to boot without a paging file.


If the return to logon prompt problem persists, there is an easy fix.


Boot from a win9x boot floppy/ Then fdisk/mbr


Ths will work even on an ntfs drive and will not harm your data.

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