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MP3 Players

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I am looking for a sub $200 flash mp3 player with at lest 256 MB memory. Does anyone have one that they can recommend? I am considering the iRiver IFP-190T but it hasn't sold me yet.


The only place that I have found reviews of a large number of mp3 players is on CNET. Any suggestions for sites?

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The only problem with the Sonic Blue is that the parent company was going under, and sold that division along with a DVR unit to another company at an auction. The parent company claims that it wants to keep the products in tact, but who knows for certain.

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As always clutch you make a good point, but sonicblue's support for this device has been up to par ... with firmware revisions from 1.0 to 1.83 with the last one being only 3 weeks old makes me believe they wish to keep their MP3 line going.


One of the best christmas presents I got for myself laugh

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I still have a Rio 32MB player, and support for that went by the wayside in a fairly short time. It was disappointing not being able to install it in Windows 2000, and later in XP. I might be getting a replacement in the next couple of months, but I don't know what I am going to get either. I would like something that plays OGG files as well, but there's relatively few that do that.

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There is a Swedish MP3 player that is a very good one.


JOS MP100 128MB or 256Mb


Built in FM radio, just put the player in one USB-port and your OS will find the player. No extra software needed. Just copy your MP3s to the device.


I have not got mine yet...but I have friends who have the 128Mb version...and it is very good. I like it because it also works like an USB-memory stick.






Look under MP3-players

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This one is mine with an additional 128 for a 256 total. I have been very pleased with it.

That does look very nice. I will keep that in mind. What kind of connection does it have though? I didn't see where it said. USB, USB2.0 or firewire?


of course you can always cough up the $$$ for an ipod smile

I knew someone was going to say that. I looked into the 5gb version but I dont want a hard drive player. I need something i can run with,

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If anyone cares, I went to best buy to pick up the iRiver IFP-190T and they had all their ipods on clearence. $100 off. Very nice.

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