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Device manager hangs and does'nt respond

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Hi I've a big problem now with my computer and cant find a fix ne where!I have Winxp Sp1 and everything works fine except Device manager keeps on hanging


I've looked through the web and cant find ne fixes. The only problem they seem to have with that is unpluging you digital cam! Well I aint got one so that does'nt help and I've gone through all the motions of unplugging everything and restarting To no avail... Am all out off ideas.... I've even formatted and reinstalled the thing 3 times and a repair So Please does ne 1 have an idea Please please let me know!

And every device or program is upto date, drivers etc.... frown


WinXP Pro Sp1

Amd 1.2

80gig ATA133

64mg Gforce2 & 32mg tnt

Iwill Ka266R mobo

Ali chipset.

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Check with your mobo mfg - Iwil - for an update for the Ali chopset (oops..chipset). Chances are updated chipset drivers are needed.

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Or A BIOS update; if the USB device is directly connected to the mobo. If running thru a hub, etc, try connecting directly to the board.

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Cheers m8 gave that a shot and installed the latest drivers and hey presto Device manager now works laugh


Thought this problem was never going away......


(Should have used the Force laugh )


laughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaugh = really happy

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