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Anyone successful getting Force21 to run?

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Force21 loads and even takes you through the scenario setup; i.e...mission criteria, intelligence reports, etc......, but, when we "click" on Go To Mission, the screen blacks-out and we're returned to the Win2000 desktop.


Running Win2000 v. 5.0.2195 Service Pack 3 Build 2195, 300+ meg of Ram, and Viper V550 NV4 video



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ConQueso -


Nope! It has been a long time since I've attempted to load a game under Win2000, and a forgot all about ACT. Sorry 'bout that.


From what I read from Titanus on another post, it sounds as if I should, before loading ACT 3.0, install ACT 2.6 so I can extract a particular file for use with ACT 3.0, then install ACT 3.0. Sound about right?



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ConQueso -


Just read DosFreak's game compatibility list (Jan '03). Doesn't look to good for my getting Force21 to work with Win2000Pro. Oh well, may give ACT a try anyway.



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