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Copying Admin User settings to Default User in XP?

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Morning all.


I just found another one of those WinXP - Win2K differences just recently. Has anyone noticed that you can no longer copy the "Administrator" user profile to the "Default" user profile under the "User Profiles" section anymore?


I would appreciate if anyone could explain to me what Microsoft has done to compensate for this and if there is a workaround or a fix for it.


I'm trying to create a single user profile to exist locally so that when any of my users login to that system they will just get the one default user profile. I can't imagine Microsoft would force you to purchase there Win2K3 Server OS in order to make you pay for a roaming profile. Excellent Microsoft marketing strategy (heavy sarcasm here).


Thanks in advance either way.

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Disable fast user switching in control panel, then you can logon normally with whatever account you want.

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Excellent info on Default User setups. It was exactly what I was looking for.


Virtual coffee's on me DS3Circuit.


Thanks for the replies all.

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