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To load or not-to-load a version of DirectX?

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I am attempting to load Sudden Strike. The install is asking me if I want to install DirectX 7.0a. 1) How do I tell what version of DirectX is already loaded? And, 2) If the version of DirectX I have is newer than 7.0a, do I simply skip the 7.0a install?

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Depends on what version of windows you are running and if you have upgraded from the base installation.


www.microsoft.com/directx for the latest version


Start / Run / DXDIAG to see what version you are currently running.


IIRC, the differences between the direct x 7 versions was the handling of USB controllers .....

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DS3Circuit -


Ok, here’s the deal. I purchased a bunch of games out of a bargain bin. Some appear to work, some don’t. Most of the “don’ts” appear to be hardware related, and I’m trying to figure out what I need to get most of them working. I really don’t have a clue.


I’m currently running Win2Kpro 5.0.2195 on a:



Intel 820

Viper V550-16M (don’t laugh)

DirectX 8.1 v

PCI SB Live Basic


Games that appear to work:

Sudden Strike (P-200, Win95/98/2000/ME, SVGA video)


War Commander (PII-450, Win95/98/2000/ME, DirectX compatible graphics & sound)


Civilization II & III (PII-500, Win95/98/2000/XP, DirectX 8.0 compatible video, DirectX 8.0 compatible sound)



Problems games:


Beach Head 2002 (PIII-350, Win95/98/ME, DirectX compatible sound, 16MB DirectX compatible video) When booted, game reports: “Error – can’t create primary surface” and “BHZ.EWS.exe has generated errors and will be shut down”.


Operation Blockade (PII-350, Win98/2000/XP/ME, DirectX8 video, SB compatible sound) When booted game reports: “No hardware-accelerated Device3D devices found” “Create device failed – invalid call”


Dogs of War (PII-266, Win95/98, DirectX 3D accelerator card, DirectX sound) During install it optioned loading DX-Media and DirectX 7. I chose “No” for both. When I attempted to run the program: “Fatal Display error”.


Force 21 (P-233 w/ MMX software rendering, Win95/98, Video either SVGA for 2D 16-bit or Direct 3D compatible video card, DirectX compatible sound, DirectX 6 “must be installed”)(OK video chipsets: 3Dfx, Voodo, Nvidia Riva, & Matrox G200).

Game-intro video and music play well, but, when I attempt to “Enter a mission”, I’m dumped out of the game and back to the desktop.

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Installing an older version of DirextX over a new one is a bad thing. Always check in install programs that they do not install an old directX. Sometimes all this requires is that you uncheck the DX box (as in the Unreal Engine games build 436 and earlier). If your uncertain whether to install DX or not, don't. It's a lot easier to install it later than fix the mess that results from installing the old on top of the new.


About the compatibility, try my FAQ.

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ConQueso & DS3Circuit -


Followed your (ConQueso's) lead to the game list. Looks like Force21 (the game I'm most interested in running) is known to lock-up under Win2K with a TNT2 card, and the other games may also have video-related issues. Looks like I need to upgrade a bit. Now all I have to do is find a video card that solves most, if not all the problems I'm having. Could be fun, since the PC is primarily work-related.


Oh, well...........computers are such fun.


Thanks for the feedback.



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...Now all I have to do is find a video card that solves most, if not all the problems I'm having...

Thanks for the feedback.

You're welcome.

As for the video card upgrade, (though I'm not sure if it will solve most of the problems) if you don't have an AGP slot, I'd suggest a GeForce4 MX graphics card like this one for around $50, or a GeForce FX 5200 PCI like this one for around $100.

If you do have an AGP slot, well, you have many more options.

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Just bumping this one, as I was recently informed by DosFreak of the more powerful PCI cards now out on the market. SnapperOne, please re-read my post above if you haven't already.

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