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Phillip: Congratulations on your new product!

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I really hope that does well, I know it's the fruits of your labor, and I really like how NT Compatible and Linux Compatible have turned out.


Give yourself a pat on the back; You deserve it.



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Thanks guys smile


Tell us more about this product... details, what it can do, etc.


There is a feature overview of the standard edition with many screenshots from the control panel:



This CMS have some unique features. For example, you can exchange news with other websites through XML/RSS. See http://www.esselbach.com/review.php?id=1&page=2


The system is also extremly fast. Average serverload for 100000 pageviews/day is only around ~0.10 (= 10% CPU load/90% idle) on a Pentium III 1GHz machine


There is also a feature limited freeware version, which is still great for smaller websites:



What does it work with, how do you plan to extend it (if you do) to other platforms it may or may not run with currently, etc.!


The system runs on both Unix and Windows Server with PHP 4.x/MySQL installed


I see that it is PHP oriented, what are your plans for it in the future, mods, if any?


There is already a do list for 1.1, 1.2 and even 2.0 8) wink

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