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NT to XP

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I loaded XP on a new drive. I have additional SCSI drives that were NTFS formatted under NT. I can not access these SCSI drives under XP. They show up under Disk Management. What can I do to get these SCSI drives to be accessible with XP????

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Does anyone see the irony of having to import "foreign" disks, when they're clearly using "NTFS" the native file system of the NT Platform?


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Methinks this is the reason. Probably when XP imports the foreign image, itwill convert it to NTFS 5. NT 4 does notlike ntfs 5 with regards to chkdsk, and possibly other things. This forces the user to make the determination whether to import it or not.

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i thought


2k and Xp use a diff version of ntfs as well/ like 5 and 5.1?



i know once i had issues putting an XP formated NTFS drive into 2k it would not pick it up.

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Yeah, 2k uses NTFS 5 and XP uses NTFS 5.1 though I am not aware of any compatibility issues and I'm not totally sure what is different between the two.

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