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Domains without 'www' preceeding them don't work??

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I'm not sure why but on Win XP, domains without the preceeding 'www', eg. hotmail.com don't work. I have to type them in full: www.hotmail.com.


If I don't type it in a full, I get a pop-up box asking for my username/password and no matter what I type in it gives me a HTTP 500 Internal Server Error: The page cannot be displayed.


Any ideas?




Mak smile

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I think this happened to me after I set-up IIS.


Anyone got any ideas?




Mak smile

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If Internet Explorer (IE) reports a 500 error .... use the IE menu, select Tools >> Internet Options >> Connections Tab >> LAN Settings and ensure that:


Automatically detect settings and use automatic configuration script are both not 'checked'


We can also get to root of the matter by going to Tools/InternetOptions/Advanced and and uncheck "Friendly HTTPmessages." This will cause your browser to stop giving you the HTTP500 Internal Server Error message and pinpoint the actual problem.


Have you checked for spyware or other browser enhancement tools? (ie hotbar and such)

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I tried that and when I type in 'http://hotmail.com in the browser, it changes to: http://hotmail.com/localstart.asp and I get the following message:


error '8002801c'

Error accessing the OLE registry.


/iisHelp/common/500-100.asp, line 17


So I think it must be something to do with IIS.


Any ideas?




Mak smile

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man APK is right. I recently started using Firebird and I love this browser. It is great, pop-up blocking, the ability to block unwanted banners. Free, community supported, many of the great features you can get in IE are all here.



give it a try www.mozilla.org/firebird i believe is the URL


I was using Opera until APK posted about Firebird, and now im not going back I love it. Tabbed browsing, Mouse Gestures, pop-up blocking.

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I tried that and when I type in 'http://hotmail.com in the browser, it changes to: http://hotmail.com/localstart.asp and I get the following message:

error '8002801c'
Error accessing the OLE registry.

/iisHelp/common/500-100.asp, line 17

So I think it must be something to do with IIS.

Any ideas?



Sounds like your IISHELP virtual folder isnt configured correctly. The .asp file is located on a non-default Web site that, by default, does not use the 500-100.asp file for error handling.

To use the 500-100.asp file for error handling on the non-default Web site, Perform the following steps:
1. Start the Internet Service Manager (ISM), which loads the Internet Information Services snap-in for the Microsoft Management Console (MMC).
2. Right-click the appropriate Web site, click New , and then click Virtual Directory .
3. In the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard, click Next . In the Alias text box, type IISHelp , and then click Next .
4. When you are prompted for the path to the content directory, click Browse , select the WINNT\Help\IisHelp folder, and then click Next .
5. On the Access Permissions page, accept all the defaults, click Next , and then click Finish .
6. Right-click the Web site again, and then click Properties .
7. On the Custom Errors tab, select the 500;100 error line, and then click Edit Properties .
8. In the Message Type list box, select URL , and then type /iisHelp/common/500-100.asp in the URL text box.
9. Click OK twice to return to the ISM.

The above is required when the IISHELP folder is removed or corrupted in an IIS 5 install.

http://hotmail.com doesnt show cause I believe IIS is referring to the localhost. By adding the WWW forces it to look for a host record outside of the local host .... its a DNS thing. wink

:P @ firebird ... cant run that with OWA or find an "easy" way of mass deployment ....

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DS3Circuit.. I tried what you said but IISHelp was already in existence. I then deleted it and followed your instructions but to no avail. Now it says:




You are not authorized to view this page

You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials you supplied.


Any ideas?




Mak smile

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works fine for me and i got all windows updates (minus that 849 or what ever one that slows everything down)


i also have IIS installed.

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The 500 series error is usually a DB/ASP error. It sounds like you are trying to get to the hotmail site, and this error is from a certain page on the hotmail site. That error is pointing to line 117 in the file /iisHelp/common/500-100.asp on the target server, and it is bombing out there. To me, it sounds like an issue with the webserver that you are trying to get to, and has nothing to do with IIS being installed on your local box.


As for the "WWW" thing, "WWW" happens to be a subdomain of the parent domain, in this case "hotmail.com". Think of this as referring to a large office building, and every office of the building as a different server. There is a certain server in that building in the "WWW" room, and that is the one with the webpages that you want to get to. You can already find the address of the building by using "hotmail.com", now you just need the office number to get to your final destination. IIS on the parent domain server (the general "hotmail.com" address) can field these requests and point them to the proper server for you. If, for some reason, it wasn't setup to at the time, then you would have that issue. Right now, "hotmail.com" and "www.hotmail.com" both work in IE 6 and Firebird on my XP box, which is also hosting IIS for development sites.

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mucking with IIS on your box will have no effect on your ability go go on the net and access hotmail......


The 500 error is Hotmail's server saying "No soup for you"

Nothing you can do about that. Looks like the hotmail.com is reserved for admin purposes, and the www is needed to indicate you actually want hotmail.


A for not typing www, normally IE will add the www and try that too, but your is not for some reason. Probably because of what DS3circuit said, cause you are uing your own DNS server I presume.

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A for not typing www, normally IE will add the www and try that too, but your is not for some reason. Probably because of what DS3circuit said, cause you are uing your own DNS server I presume.

Using your own DNS box will have no effect on that. I have been using my own DNS at home for 4 years, and never had that issue. The client and its applications don't care where the DNS is being handled, as long as it is. The attempt to find a "WWW" even works if using a proxy and you have IE setup to work with just that.

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