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Trouble with Catalyst 3.4 and 3.5 Drivers

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I have install both sets of drivers and get horrible scores in any benchmark.


I tried uninstalling, reinstalling, manually deleting files.



When I go back to 3.2's all is well again.


Anyone else have this problem?

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How are your games playing? Are you having problems with those as well or is this just in benchmarks?

could you provide some system specs also. I personally don't use benchmark proggies (I'd rather be playing,the only true benchmark for me!) so I can't help you there.

but if it's a wider problem I'll do my best to help out.


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60FPS hmmm. Are you over-riding your refresh rate with the newer drivers to something higher than 60? Might be your FPS is locked into the refresh rate.

still checking your page but this is off the top of my head for now.

and I am just guessing that you do have your motherboard drivers installed etc?


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Yeah its got all the newest drivers and bios



Funny thing is 60 FPS is max on any thing. Quake 3, 3DMark.



Its like its capped or something

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...but that 60 fps sound terribly like the v-sync is on, hence the limit. If you go to display properties, settings, advanced and to the tab labelled Direct3D there's a slider for the option, I suggest checking there and setting it to always off.

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Well glad you got it going to bad you had to do the re-install.

I would like to suggest you make an image of your drive now so if you need to reinstall you can just lay the image instead.

might save ya a bit of time in the future.

happy gaming


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I do have an image, and the issue was THat the new installer doesn't remove the older drivers.



Some other issues added to the reinstall.



Either way it works fine now

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i will always take the time to do a fresh format, dont like images for some reason smile



glad u got it sorted out.

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Thanks m8



Got the image just in case though.



Sometimes I get things just right and don't want to have to start over.

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no problems for me.i think is a little faster the 3,5

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