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Interest Rate Cut

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Congrats to all my US friends who have house or car loans, with the interest rate cut, you can spend heaps more on technology (well maybe not that much really) but it should make life a little easier.

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I can buy the car i want now and save more money.
See, GW does know what he is talking about. You are spending more money.

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I agree.


Thats what I don't understnand about opposing tax cuts


We spend it and invest it.



Better we have it then the government who wastes it

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How is wealth created?



By paying the McDonald's worker an extra dollar an hour?



THis is a systematic problem among liberals.


The answer to everything is to throw money at it.

The working class in Amercia, or around the world for that matter, is working class because they usually lack the skills or education to be a white collar worker.

Every year we graduate more and more unskilled people, from school.


Therein lies the problem. Eduaction.


Lack of eduaction or job skills creates a larger constituantcy for Democrats. If you ever wonder why Dems are not so eager to fix schools, it's because they will lose power, and voters.


You can target tax cuts to all the poor you want, but it's the governments role is to get the money to those who will do the most good with it.

It's not governmets role to make you wealthy or see you have a good paying job. That's your responsiblity.


I always get aggravted when people use the term "Clinton Surplus"


It insults the 270 million or so of us here in the States that go to work, pay taxes and are the real ones who made this economy. It is up to us to create wealth.


When we make for ourselves what we want from our lives, and stop expecting others to do it for us, we will all be the happier.

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Tell the unions the compete with international comapnies


If it costs 500 dollars to make an XBOX here in the states and only 250 in Mexico, why would I make it in the states



We have lost our ability to compete internationally. Unions have effectively locked prices down, and allow for no comptetion,

Instead of competeting on quality and cost


Notice wherever unions exist, quality and costs are problems.


That is why our job base has eroded. They don;t make 30 dollars an hour in Korea to weld something, or place items in boxes on assembly lines.


It is a capitalistist world now, either compete, learn and innovate, or be without a job.

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Bro you have great reasoning skills but your answers are too long laugh


And I'm too lazy an American to read through it all


As always, good debate

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