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DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error sending e-mail

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I get that message pointing to 'ndis.sys' when I try to send a e-mail with SMTP authority using Opera V6.05 w/ SMTP Auth V0.9

This also happens with just Pegasus Mail running!


I thought it was a problem with SMTP Authority, but the same thing happens with Pegasus Mail! Here is the KB article from M$ on the error:




Here is the overview from M$ on ndis:




My network card is a Linksys LNETX100 through a Netgear router

I have DSL through Verizon if that matters.


I'm running 2k Pro w/SP3


I do see SP4 is out, with 2 issues on something simalar to this, but with the Server edition:






I'm not ready to instal SP4 yet.........too early.


Any other ideas??

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IRQ_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL is typically an hardware failure, or a driver failure. I would be surprised if a simple program would do that.


FIrst I would update the network card drivers to the latest as they might handle some strange behavior rather badly.

Some program also uses drivers to extend their possibilities. While these drivers don't point to any hardware, a programming error may trigger this.


Are you using some anti-virus to filter your sent mail?

You may also want to update Pegasus Mail and/or opera. Altough they are different products, they may share a common "driver"

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It SEEMS (I'm not sure yet) that a process running in the background that didn't have to was the problem!


I have a capture card; Winnov Videum AV that has poorly written software that I have had a problem with before (even with the updated S/W). There is a .exe that loads at startup, if I remember correctly was needed for the audio portion of the card to run correctly. I let it run, but I am only using the video portion in this box (was in another box before as the audio card also) with NO audio drivers loaded (though Windows still lists the card under audio). I have a separate audio card here.

A couple of people in other forums suggested memory issues and I thought about this.

In Task Manager I monitor the 'I/O other' (don't know what the 'other' is) and see this process is constantly accessing the 'other' even though the program isn't running. I disabled it and so far so good, no BSOD's!


I am still testing, it's too early to tell since this has been a intermittent problem.

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