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Good with graphics?

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I'm wundrin' if somebody on here could whip up a graphic for me. I have a personal web site that's used by a bunch of my buddies and me and I suck at making graphics.


If anybody would be willing to help out, send me an email.

atreyu79@gmx.net. Thanks..

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Hi Atreyu,

I'm not an artist and won't be making a graphic for you, but really you'll have to do a better job of asking than that. Artists need to know what they'd be making a graphic for and what theme the graphic should have. You must have a better idea of what you want. Secondly, you should have some sort of agreement the artist whose banner you choose and use will get... 30 dollars, a new logitech mouse, a copy of Unreal Tourney, something.



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Thanks Mr. Guvernment, I will check it out!


Christianb, if you are not an artist and won't be making a graphic for me please don't waste your time writing a message saying such. It helps nobody out and wastes everybody's time. Additionally, last I checked, making copies of software for personal gain was illegal and discussing such is not permitted on this forum.

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Hi Atreyu,

I'm simply trying to help, since you're not going to get something for nothing, I was simply trying to help you pick "something" to give. Secondly, I wasn't implying that you w a r e z the individual a gift, but actually cough up some cash and give them a legitimate copy/gift smile.



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