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Radioactive Frog

office 200 won't uninstall!

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ok, my next problem on the laptop is that it has office 200 professional on it! but it is from the guy i got the laptop from. I want to uninstall the pro version and put on my 2000 premium version.

however when i go to unistall 2000 professional it says it needs the disk! which is a prob! is there a way round this short of formatting!

i have put in my premium version expecting it to upgrade but it just tries to install!

The laptop doesn't have a huge hd so i don't really want them both on there!


the main reason i want to install my version is that when i use the find feature it asks for the office 2000 disk all the time! arrrrrrrgh


any ideas!


thanks in advanced!

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I had something similar happen once. I just deleted the folder...then deleted the reg strings related to office (Or most of them) then used a reg cleaner to finish up the process. I then re-installed my new version which overided most files found in the windows/shared folders. I know it's not a clean uninstall, but it worked.

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Did you try the reference MSI files in the C:\%systemroot%\Installer?


Its a hidden folder and if there are many in there, sort by details and author (not on by default)


This is the reason why you either keep copies of CDs or do network installs.


G'Luck smile

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Part of the reason I used zipfile distros & batchfile installers: Size is WAY smaller, contents are visible & the SETUP.BAT and UNINSTALL.BAT I have in my shareware stuff are TOTALLY "user customizeable".

Plus, an interested individual could see exactly what files were copied to what locations, and undo if necessary.

Ah, the days of batch files... (remembering fondly)


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* DOS = dying art imo!


There's some DOS art for you!


(Sorry for the blatent thread-hijacking...)

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