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Radioactive Frog

major prob with win95 machine !! - - Please help me !!

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Ok, This is what happens when i turn it on!...


Nothing visual on screen for ages then wot you would expect appears and goes through the normal until it gets to the little white writing that says "starting windows 95" and then it goes back to the beginning agian ! and it does this 4/5 times at least b4 it boots! Then it goes into windows and all is fine!


Then if you shut it down and boot up again it sometimes goes straight in! and otehr times doesn't!


Spec is


Cyrix 6x86Mx PR200


2.4gb seagate drive

24x CDRom

Award bios V4.51pg

bios version 09/14/97 - VXPro+ - usb - Ultr - 2A5LDH09C - 00


Battery fine, psu making sum funny noises but works ok.


sometimes gets to start booting windows but stops and the next time you get the safe mode option.


1mb pci gc in there, ISA soundcard in there, modem pci in tehre, nothing major!


is there a solution! or reason for this not booting properly! Tis rather irritating and frustrating but buying another pc is a bit expensive for this lady as she only really uses it to contact her children and grandchildren in canda from the uk! and thats bout it!


anything i can try!



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no not a laptop.

i was refering to the motherboard battery!


power interuption hey! hmm only prob with that is it is prob the psu but it has the old connector! can you still get psu's with the old style connector!



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Frog, I have two AT style PSUs, send me an email if you're interested in them, they're yours if you just pay shipping.


I don't know 100% that they're good, it's been ages since I had an AT system.

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Yes you can still find some older AT power supplies out there. Have you checked out any local schools or school districts that maybe getting rid of some older machines?!?


Also check out the Goodwill stores for these kinds of older parts. Another option would be to check out Fry's Electronics, being in So Cal you should have at least one in your area wink


Another possible solution is to check you mobo out for a dual power connection. Some of them had both the standard AT and the then newer ATX connectors.

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ahh the bios battery


that wont effect the boot, just the clock if u unplug the 'puter.

yea sounds like bad power somewhere. could be mobo or psu.

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Stuff like this sometimes happens when you overclock or set to agressive ram timings. You might try to reset the cmos.

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The machine has not been over clocked in any shape or form but i will try the cmos. I have got hold of an old AT PSU which i will try out and see what happens!


thanks for all your help !



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