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Radioactive Frog

lots of beeps!

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i am putting together a puter with an Asus A7s333 motherboard using an Athlon 1Ghz CPU but when i turn it on it just keeps beeping ! i started to count them as i know they mean somehting ! but i stoped at about 15!! i have tested the CPU in another puter and it is fine! and the memory i have replace and still no luck!


any thoughts! or how i should have the mb set up?





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beeps like that tend to be the video card. make sure it is properly seated as it might look like it is but you want to hear that final little clic so you know it's in.


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Make sure your memory is properly seated and the correct speed and type

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Make sure your memory is properly seated and the correct speed and type

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yeah i have checked the memory and tried a different memory stick. I believe it is all at the right speed and stuff i am using DDR2100 mem with the 1ghz athlon is that ok?



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yeah i have checked the memory and tried a different memory stick. I believe it is all at the right speed and stuff i am using DDR2100 mem with the 1ghz athlon is that ok?


Are you sure the motherboard is good? If there is no post it seems to me like it's the board thats the problem. Have you tried flashing the bios?

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errm haven't tried flashing the bios,


how would i tho? as i either get lots of beeps and go nowhere or just get a blank screen!


any ideas?



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I know this may all be evident, but a few other things you should try:


-Make sure the hard drive(s) is/are firmly and properly connected.

-Do the same thing with your PCI cards, etc. as you did with the video card to make sure everything's seated properly.

-Absolutely make sure your memory and CPU are seated correctly, because this mistake can be easily overlooked.

-Try skinning down your system to the bare minimum components, and slowly work your way up until everything's in.


Hopefully that will help. If not, then it could be a faulty component (i.e. motherboard, CPU, etc.).



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ok it is starting to look like a faulty mb as i only have the graphics card in along with hard disk.


I have checked the mem and CPU and no change! i have tried resteating them! I have tried a new PSU and hd and gc so i guess the only thing i haven't tried is the mb! DOH




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could be a ground issue with the Mobo then. check to make sure it isn't grounding anywhere in the box or touching something it should not be.

If not then the mobo might be fried..


You are making sure your static free when doing this right? Don't want to sound preachy! lol must be the A+ techy in me coming out.. laugh


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You can also see if you get a different POST beep error code if you remove *all* sticks of ram and the graphics card, leave only the mobo, the cpu and power connected. Also disconnect the power to any other drives, i.e., the HD, CD, Floppy etc. and disconnect their data cables too wink


Now see if you get the error code for missing/no ram detected which should be different then the 15 beeps you're getting now.

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I think it was mentioned that there were 15 beeps which does indicate a memory issue but it could be a compatiblity problem with the mobo and the ram but also something else wrong with the mobo itself. This is why I like to remove everything and see if I get a standard graphics card not found beep code or memory missing beep code. This tells me that the mobo and the CPU seem to be talking to each other and I have to try another piece of hardware and go from there. I usually then install the graphics card and see if the error code now just gives me a memory missing beep code, which is what it should. This then says that the mobo, cpu and graphics card is talking to each other. Now I install a single stick of ram and see what happens. If it get that silly 15 beeps again I'll try a different stick of memory until I find one that works. Possible that the BIOS settings are incorrrect for the memory timings so I'd also recommend removing the power cable, then remove the cmos battery then move the clear cmos jumper to clear and wait about 5 minutes. Then reset the clear cmos jumper to normal settings and then instlall the battery and then the power and try again. This will load a factory default setting for everything and you maybe able to see something work properly as well wink


Sorry for the length of this post, I just got on a roll laugh

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