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matching page file to ram

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i currently have 256MB of ram and a 384 page file which was set by the xp when it was first set up


i am going to ugprade to 512MB of ram and my question is will XP will change the page file automatically , and if not , should i change it manually and to what size ??


another question....can the page file be disabled with 512MB of ram ?? ;(

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I believe 1 1/2 times the amount of ram is the norm. I usually set the

page/swap file size manually rather than let Windows do it. I don't think disabling the swap file would be wise.....Win2k/XP really like swapping ; )

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ok but.....if 384 was enough for 256 ...


how come 768 will be needed for 512 ???


it feels like some sort of a paradox..

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If you are not using your PC for anything demanding then you can probably turn off the pagefile... I play games semi regularly and find a perminant size (minimum and maximum) of 300Mb (with 512 of physical RAM) is sufficiant.

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384 will be plenty. more than plenty.


You see, windows will set 150% the ram as swapfile, but it does it blindly. I got 768 and the swapfile was over a gig. Rediculous.


If all you do is gaming and internet, and dont run tons of programs at once, then you'd be good witjh 512 ram and 200-250 swapfile, but 384 certainly wont b a problem.

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i keep te page file at 384 and see what happens.

if i'll get a messege the my virtual memory is set too low i'll increase it.



thanks !!

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no swap file what's or ever???


and it works???....


let's assume that the OS needs more memory...what will happen then ???

will there be a big blue screen of death ??

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no swap file what's or ever???

and it works???....

let's assume that the OS needs more memory...what will happen then ???
will there be a big blue screen of death ??

none, nadda - disabled! gone! out the window!

nothing i play needs that much ram games i play are

Delta froce black hawk down / Land warrior
diablo II
Unreal Tournament / II

i jack up the details as high as i can! (currentyl using a ti4200 while i get my ti4600 water cooled)

i have never ran out of ram really - i also tweaked the services so my boot up once windows starts uses liek 50mb of ram instead of 100-120mb

i would assume u would just get an error that windows has no resources and to close some applications or something.

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no errors is good...


but did you notice any improvements in the OS' performance as a result of no page file ??

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no swap file what's or ever???

and it works???....

let's assume that the OS needs more memory...what will happen then ???
will there be a big blue screen of death ??

i had 1.5 GB of SDRAM on my old 3dsmax system and disabling the swap files didn't work for me (it somehow ruined my windows and i had to reinstall it). I have Win XP Pro SP1. so i think it mostly depends on the applications and the way the user is using the system. it is different for every single computer. if it works don't mess with it.

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i got my extra ram and i installed it..


for now no page file and everything is fine...


i mostly surf the web and open office applications...and no problems.


i play nba2003 , enter the matrix ..no problems there.


one game did cause problems though...IGI2...so i gave him up.


for now there is no need for a page file....but time will tell, and if the system will alert me often about the lack of virtul memory ,i'll add a page file.

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