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Problems with mouse shortcuts win xp pro sp1

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Just recently installed SP1 and my logitech USB optical mouse still functions properly but under the new mouseware drivers [provided by logitech], some features do not function after a period of time. For instance, my middle-wheel button acts as minimize button and it allows me to minimize my windows easily but after a while the mouseware functions come to a hault and the middle button doesn't minimize my windows anymore. I also see a significant decrease in mouse speed. This also happens on certain windows I open [like everytime I view the contents on D drive], and when I revert back to a different window the functions come back to me again.


At first I thought it was the new mouseware drivers so I uninstalled those and tried different kinds of mouse software such as CoolMouse and UltraMouse. I stuck with ultramouse only to find out that the samething happens also.


This may have been difficult to understand but if anyone can find a solution to this, that'll be great. I'm trying to avoid restoring my system before SP1 was installed so any workarounds are appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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my neighbor had the same type of problem

we plugged the usb into the ps2 port and everything was fixed

(u have to reinstal the mouse and drivers)

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