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I want to add hardware while hibernating

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So my WIFI internet went down the other day, so I had to install a modem as a backup for access. But I did NOT want to shutdown. I had million webpages open and other projects open etc. So I figured, Ill hibernate the PC and install the modem and see what happens.


Well, it didn't work. Upon resuming the screen just goes black and I needed to boot fresh. (I did not thinik it would work, but I figured MAYBE it would)



Is there a proper way to do it, knd of like hotplugging a pci device, except it isnt really hot because its not turned on.


This is winodws 2000 server.

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The hardware itself needs to support Hot Plug n Play not just the software. So if the motherboard and modem dont support it, I dont see how that will function "correctly." I believe the environment that you are creating isnt a stable one for that session.


Just my $0.02

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Good info to know. It didn't work so I woont do it again. it was fun to try.

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