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Good or bad computer deal

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I plan to, or more like my parents, are getting a computer. They just want to get one for about a year and replace and don't ask me why.


Anyways, they found one they like that they think is not too expensive.


AMD 1800+ CPU

PCChips 8310 Motherboard

256MB PC2100 DDR RAM

Integrated Video Card (Assuming only a 16-32MB video card)

Maxtor 30GB 7200 Hard drive

LG 52X24X52 CDRW

1.44 Panasonic floppy drive

17" 300W ATX Case

Integrated Sound card

PS/2 keyboard

PS/2 wheel mouse

Integrated 10/100 Network Card

240W Speakers

Front Audio & USB2.0 Included


Also, I think they install XP for free when I give them the CD for it and for the modem, they said they would take out the modem from our old computer and stick it in the new one free of charge again. Oh yea, and the cost for the computer PLUS tax already is: $387.


So I'm just wondering what you people think. My parents are probably going to get it anyways, so just want some opinions. Thanks

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Lil' iffy on that motherboard. I have never really seen to many "good" PCchips motherboards, especially AMD platform.

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I agree on the mobo thing, some others that maybe suspect would be Matsonic, Amptron, ECS.


Since they are only looking at a year, it may just be fine for that period of time wink

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OH H3LL yes on the Amptron, that and PC$hjts mobos are virtually identical. And if you are going to have all that onboard stuff you want a strong mobo to push it! i.e. strong mb manu. and chipset.

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PCCHIPS is the lowest of the low


I wou;dnt wish one on my worst enemy.


Stick with NFORCE2


Or don't bother getting an AMD

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ditto on the PCchips mobo. I remember owning (and having paid for it :() one, it had a 440VX chipset, sporting a lightningly fast 166Mhz Pentium. The VX chipset was out in two varieties, with 256 or 512 kb of L2 cache memory. Mine was the faster 512kb (yeah!) version, only to my disappointment to discover later (using some diagnostics utility - can't remember the name) that it was a 256 kb version with a BIOS that reported 512kb of cache!!!.....no comments after that....


But, on topic, it's a low price and his parents only want it for a year (strange?), so probably it will boot 365 times (not counting restarts). That should be a record on its own for a PCchips mobo, right?


Off topic, a friend's 48x Plextor CDRW failed to recognise all kinds of discs yesterday (blank cdr and cdrw, pressed data discs, audio cds). He's covered by the Plextor 2 year warranty, but he's only gotten it only 3 months ago, and the brand name was the decisive factor for that buy....oh well

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Ok, so from what I've read, PCChip mobo are bad. May I ask why they are bad exactly?


But besides the mobo, the deal is pretty ok I would assume right? Also, the 387 dollars is Canadian money because I didn't mention that in my last post.


Thanks again

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Let's illustrate: time=money. What would you rather spend on a motherboard? I prefer to spend money and get something that's good rather than haggle with the hardware. Matsonic/PCChips/Amptron...also, throw ECS and FIC in their two...bad companies dude ...and Epox. You get what you pay for, and these aren't companies that don't have the highest quality control or something. They're a headache to work with.


You want something that's not gonna break the bank, look at something from MSI or Gigabyte.

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