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Netgear FA311 and USB2 Controller Card Problem

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I have an Elite Motherboard Model K7S5A and i also have a Netgear FA311 NIC and a USB 2 Controller Card that i want to run at the same time in my PC


When i put the NIC in the computer along with the USB 2 Card a number of different things happen when i turn the computer on.


Either nothing appears on the screen,


OR the computer looks as if it is rebooting itself as the DVD rom drive light keeps flashing


OR a stop error appears saying "Primary Slave Drive is ATAPI Incompatible"


My Primary Slave drive is my Creative DVD Rom


i am completely confused on this!!


i have just flashed my BIOS to update it to the most recent version and i am running a very clean version of XP Professional with SP1


there is nothing connected to the USB2 Card either


Any ideas?? im concidering buying a new motherboard if i cant solve it!!





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Here are some things to try out:


1) Disconnect the DVD reader from the primary channel that it's sharing with the hard drive. Remember you are testing here, be sure to disconnect both the data ribbon cable and the power connector from the DVD drive. You may also need to rejumper the HD for proper MASter settings. If it's a WD drive, just remove the jumper totally, this is the factory default for MASter without any SLAve drive connected.


2) Remove both the NIC and the USB2 expansion cards.


3) Enter the sytem BIOS and under the integrated peripherals, disable both the COM1 and the COM2 ports, if set for AUTO, change this to DISABLED instead. Also, do you have a USB printer or is it connected to the LPT port ?!? If it's a USB printer then go ahead and disable the LPT port as well. If it's connected to the LPT port, check to see if it also has a USB connector on the printer, many newer printers have both and I say it's much nicer to use USB scanners/printers/keyboards, etc...


4) Now find the onboard USB settings, disable these too. Remember you're attempting to troubleshoot here so if you have say a USB mouse and/or keyboard, then see if the BIOS will allow you to enable only say the first two ports, many newer motherboards support this too wink If need be, you may need to find an older PS/2 mouse and/or keyboard for testing purposes here.


5) Now find the Reset ESCD, usually under the PNP/PCI configuration settings.


6) Reboot into your OS and check the device manager for any RED X's or YELLOW exclamation marks. Note which these are and then use Device Manager to Un-Install the offending devices and then reboot again. Recheck Device Manager and see if these devices are now properly detected.


7) Now if this all works, power down the machine and add one of the expansion cards, say the NIC first. Plug the machine back in and boot it up and check out device manager again.


8) If this works and the NIC is functioning fine and all, then shutdown the machine once more and install the USB2 card. Again power back up and recheck device manager and if need be install any device drivers for this card. Reboot even if it doesn't ask you too and once more check out device manager and verify all seems to be in working order. Do some testing with any USB1.0/1.1/2.0 devices.


Be sure to let us know what happens wink

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hey thanks for the reply!!!


havent had chance to read it all through properly


one thing i am doing is running 2 hard drives (primary and slave!) on the primary IDE Channel


the DVD drive is on its own on the secondary channel, just to clear that up!!


i didnt think of disabling the onboard USB ill give that a go!


when i put the cards in seperately like the NIC without the USB and vice versa then they work fine, its just when both of them are in together that the problems start so im not sure if its an IRQ problem? but it says there are no conflicts (if it ever gets into windows!)


hope that clears a few things up!,


when im next to my computer (at work at the moment!) ill give the other things a try!


thanks again



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Hope this works for you smile


As for the DVD drive, I thought you said you have it setup as the Primary SLAve drive, sorry about that wink


As for having two HD's, well as another possible test, you can always discconect the second SLAve HD as well.


Also you can try the cards out in different PCI slots, I would however recommend not using the slot next to the AGP slot as these two share the same IRQ and this could be an issue in your configuration wink

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a friend of mine also suggested disabling plug and play?? would that help??


i have tried placing the Network card in a different PCI slot (not the one next to the AGP) while the USB2 Card was installed and it didnt work so ill give your other options a go, havent had much time to look at it at the moment but will let ya know what happens


any other possible ideas then let me know lol!!


thanks again



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Disabling PnP may help but which OS are you running ?!?


Seems strange to be having these issues as I've installed many expansion cards into machines without having to disable or troubleshoot like this.


Could also be there is some system registry corruption, could be causing some of the PnP functions, and who knows what else, to mis-behave wink

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i disabled plug and play

disabled COM Ports, Parallel Port, onboard USB, Onboard Game Port, OnBoard LAN (obviously!) and a few other things and it still didnt work


it is a CLEAN install of Windows XP Professional with a flashed bios to the latest release


the motherboard is an Elite K7S5A


so still not working


i really need 2 hard drives running so i didnt bother disabling one of them


ill probably just stick with the onboard LAN its only a SIS based LAN onboard but still does the job, would have preferred the Netgear one though!!


im not going to spend £70 on a new motherboard just so i can have a plugin NIC lol!!

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I'm going to hazard a guess it's something to do with the ECS motherboard.


I've not ever had good luck with them but this is just my opinion of course. This is the same kind of board that Fry's always uses for their Lost Leader/Bait-Switch ad's ;(

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thanks for your help anyway


im still considering buying a new motherboard !!



thanks again



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