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Be careful with the latest two security updates

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I noticed a patch for IE and one for DAC, so I downloaded them and rebooted. I noticed that nothing that usually loads at startup actually did so. Not even my Antivirus. Strange indeed! So I tried to load at least one of them post boot and I get some wierd error message about the file not being there, but it was.


I did not do a system backup prior to this because I thought sure Microsoft had all of these screwups rectified. Little did I know I would get RECTALfied afterwards. Luckily Windows Update did a backup for me. So after a restore everything is back to normal. I do not know which of these two patches did this and I don't care. They will not be going back on my computer until someone can tell me what the heck is going on.


Be careful guys..



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hmm i just installed the update and all is running fine after reboot.

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(...)I did not do a system backup prior to this because I thought sure Microsoft had all of these screwups rectified(...)

Yeah right!!! laughlaugh

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Installed both updates onto home machine at lunchtime - No problems.

Installed both updates onto 3 machines here at work this afternoon - No problems.


No problems at all to report from here.

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Hello guys,


What is so strange is there are a bunch of people that are "currently" reporting no problems at all.


One guy had suggested some problem with my computer and my NTFS permission settings. I DON'T THINK SO.. If that were the case I would be having issues prior to installing that update. I appreciate the try though.. smile



I'm kinda ticked, and just a tad worried at the same time, that this is working for so many, yet what seems to be a handfull it is screwing this up. I fear the worse for all in the coming days as it makes no sense that this patch doesn't screw up, a least a little, on everybody's computer.


It seems there are some files that get replaced that do not only relate to windows but some more of my programs that most of those that are reporting problems are not running.


For instance:


KX Project Audio Drivers task bar Icon

CPUIdle task bar Icon

POPUP Stopper task bar Icon

Pagoo Internet Answering Machine task bar Icon

Norton Antivirus " "


Windows itself loads fine, or it appears to. I'm really concerned those those that think everything is okay, it is actually not.



Good Luck everybody.

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Well, I tried it again today, but this time I disabled EVERYTHING from loading at bootup. Same problem. When I click on anything from the start menu, a window pops up and says that "The specified path or file can not be found. Then is says something about maybe I do not have proper permissions" I can run ANY file/program if I open Explorer and go to the path/file and run it from there. The files are where they are supposed to be, but they can not be opened from a link of any kind. That is why my startup items do not load.


This whole thing is REALLY pissing me off. This seems to be a really important update and I can't use the damn thing.




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could possible be some software install on your computer - or a specifi hardware confirguration - hence why it does not affect all computers.

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No problems here. Installed them on several computers, including 5 Windows 2000 Pro PCs (4 in office, 1 at home), and one Windows XP Pro PC at home, and everything's fine.

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If you have moved your cookies and Temp. Internet Files folders to anywhere but their default location, expecially on a RAM drive, this update problem with happen. I'm not sure why, and I do not know what it is going to take to correct the problem..


Heads up..



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i did experience some problems with norton after i installed the updates. but it just needed another reboot!!! it is working all fine. laugh


no problems now. laugh

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so has anything been done from microsoft to allow this to work when the temporary internet files arent in the original location ?


as noted earlier, i've got temp interent files residing on a ram disk.... and i guess i need this patch installed, but of course it dont work. well not tried re-applying for a week or so. i noticed that the text on the page has been updated, but not the patch file.


has anybody put the folder locations back to default, installed and then put back onto a ram disk ? i'd do this if it works, but its a pain setting it all back onto my ramdisk.


thoughts / solutions anybody ?

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