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Worst FPS/Action Gaming Moments

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After posting my best fps/action gaming moments, I decided to put an opposite post looking at some of the bad moments.


1. Playing Daikatana.


2. Listening to Lo Wang talk about his "thingy" in Shadow Warrior.


3. The magic and atmosphere found in Unreal, was lost in Unreal 2.


4. The fact that Duke Nukem Forever has been in development since 1996. Come on, sequels to Wolfenstein, Unreal, Doom, Quake, Dark Forces, and other games have long come out!


5. Playing Sin v1.00! More bugs than a Windows Beta Release.


6. The stealth missions in Soldier of Fortune 2.


7. Finishing Deus Ex, dammit I want more!


8. Watching the Chesire Cat and the Rabbit die in Alice.


9. Realizing that you will die every corner that you turn in Shogo: Mobile Armor Division.


10. Figuring out that Half-Life: Blue Shift is way TOO short.


11. Realizing that games like Devastation get released.


12. Trying to flip through all the spells you have at your disposal in Wheel of Time. Good grief.

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What abou the ending of Half-Life? You find yourseld in a train car, the notorious guy in the suit BESIDE you, babling about, and not even a kitchen knife to kill him... it just let me down...


ditto, Half Life: Blue Shift was way shorter and relatevely easier...

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Not FPS or action, really, but coming to grips with the fact that any given Final Fantasy game will end. I just recently started replaying VI (the best of the series, in my opinion).

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I hated that Blue-suit git. After I finished the game I played with the cheat codes to see if I could waste him. I think his model is designed with "noclip" set to on as in any mod of the game, he cannot be touched or damaged.


Some more:


South Park Racer


Redneck Rampage


....and Starcraft first edition computer zergling rush.

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I can only say that there are more bad games than good ones being released. The same goes for movies. Sometimes I feel sorry for playing a game at all e.g. postal 2. Even the first part was more cool. What sucked the most latley was the Knight Rider (emoticon for vomiting)

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My worst gaming moments


1. Quake 2 Single PLayer

2. Getting a rare spawn in Everquest, 3 minutes before the servers go down for maintenance

3. Luigi's Mansion. I returned my GC.

4. Getting a loss after some noob disconnects in C and C Generals. EA sucks BTW

5. Final Fantasy Series, maybe I just don't get it

6. Finishing Halo, I wanted to cry

7 Finishing Half-life I wanted to cry

8. Unreal 1 Gameplay. Went from OMG this looks so real, to where the hell are the enemies?

9. Duke Nukem Forever. I honestly could care less.

10. Daikatana, I played it for 3 minutes, uninstalled and returned it. I have to say that game broke the record for going to the bargain bin at my local EB

11. The Fall of Nintendo. Sure your Gameboy can connect to your Gamecube /sarcasm, but a lineup of has-been sequels and rehashes is enough to nail the coffin shut.

12. Metal Gear Solid 2, again maybe I don't get it

13. Grand Theft Auto 3, took repeatative to a whole new level.

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Let's not forget the suckiness of


1) Omikron, should have been called Omygod


2) Klingon Academy (would have enjoyed it more if the AI didn't think the best attack was constantly ramming your ship!)


3)Elite Force Expansion pak. now that was a waste


4) Ending Grim Fandango (I miss Manny what can I say!)


sure i will think of more!


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Let's not forget the suckiness of

2) Klingon Academy (would have enjoyed it more if the AI didn't think the best attack was constantly ramming your ship!)


BUAHAHAHAH! - i thought i was the only one!

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personally I loved Shogo: MAD

Graphics and game concept were great for the time. I just couldn't understand why the on-foot missions were so difficult. I mean it though, when you turn a corner the AI's aim is so fast and so accurate, you are dead before you see them. On a side note, the battle mech missions were great.

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hehe I still play it online sometimes as do a lot of people it seems. I love playing the desert map and using the tractor beam to lift you up to the sky (bug) and rain the nuke down on everyone LOL

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