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A major office XP 2003 (11) Beta 2 problem.

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Befor I start, I would like to say microsoft legaly mailed me the huge 12 od cd beta 2 kit so this is a legal copy and not a pirated version.



I've recently noticed when I type emails, eventually while typing them the program will lock up my entire computer. I later found that microsoft word does the same, just takes longer. I have not had any problem in front page and I dont think I have used excell long enough at once to have it lock up. It also only seems to happen when I'm actually typing.


As you can imagine this makes me quite furious at times, especially when the document is important. I've found my self typing and saving ever few seconds... also typing everything in note pad!


So I figured, sure, it's just me, the programs worked before, maybe I just need to reformat and forget about it. Well reformatting time came and the problem is still here! I was over clocked so I decided to bump that down. I've only upped my FSB to a shitty 140fsb and it's still locking up the program (running corsair c2 xms pc3500 ram on a kt400 board) so I dont think its the overclocking at all.


Am I the only one with this problem and is there a fix? Maybe there isnt a fix so is microsoft putting out a final version of the new office or a new beta version any time soon? I rarly check the beta website and I almost always skip right over the beta emails....


Any suggestions? I dont wanna go back to office xp.

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I get the same thing well at least a temporary freeze in the system



I just make sure I defrag from time to time.



BTW when they release the final code do we get free copies?



I hope so

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BTW when they release the final code do we get free copies?

I hope so

Yeah right laugh


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i got the large cd kit also and installed office on a test machine but i haven't had a chance to use it or run into those problems yet


i also got a beta refresh kit a month or so ago and never had a chance to install it


i figure it was updated versions of the software


did you guys get taht? did you hava a chance to install?

perhaps those are updates that will fix the problem


i have tested server 2k3 extensively but office beta is just not good for business


for the reasons you guys have stated above.

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I have 5 tests going on.


When I tested Office XP I got a free copy


I hope I get the same here.

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u can still download the 180 trail of 2003 can u not? - i got mine a couple months ago.



anyways - Beta = Problems - aren't these the types of problems u send to MS and they fix it?



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I haven't really had a chance to test Office 2003 yet.

I've been far too busy evaluating Server 2003 to see if it is a viable upgrade from the Windows 2000 Servers we currently run.

However on the few times I have used the new Office I have noticed the occasional "system pause" which I wouldn't expect to find in a beta version.


Official Beta testing can be fun and you do get free gifts now and again.


Tested Win98, Win98, NT4

Got nothing free frown


Tested Windows 2000

Got free copy of Windows 2000 Professional Retail


Tested Windows XP

Got free copy of Windows XP Professional Retail


Just finished testing MS Media Centre.

For this MS sent me the following item (which I still have)


1x Dell Dimension 4550

3.06Ghz CPU


120GB HD

ATI 9700Pro

Hauppauge TV Card

Philips TV Card



Then they sent me a new build of the software every few weeks.

The beta ended about three weeks ago and so far they haven't asked for their machine back - now that would be a nice gift for the beta testing smile

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