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Exchange server 2000 + windows 98 and OE

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ive got an Outlook exchange server running on my windows 2000 server and all kids (its a network on a gradeschool) have there own email adress and profile.

what i want to do is that everyone has his own outlook express settings this works okay BUT

when i logon on the same computer with different usernames i get my own inbox and from the user who has logged in before him...


can it be done and if so HOW ?


Please help im freaking out here :|

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I'm not sure.....but ....I don't think you can run Outlook Express with Exchange.

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Outlook Express works fine with Exchange, as long as Exchange is set up for POP3 (internet email). If Exchange is only set up with coorporate accounts, then Outlook Express can not connect to the Exchange server. What OS are the kids using? If you are using win9x, then the same outlook express profile applies no matter who logs in. The login only changes things like desktop icons and screensaver settings and such.

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This can be done one of two ways:


A. Create a batch file that makes as many Outlook Express identities as you have kids at school, and make OE prompt for a profile each time it loads.


B. Roll out an Outlook version and then create profiles based on that.


Respectfully Yours,



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