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Radioactive Frog

PC Boot up?

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ok i turn the puter on and nothing happens blank screen! sounds ok other than the fact there is no beep! I wait a few mins and it beeps and away we go!!


any ideas? is it psu probs

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Could be, but try this trick out first to see if it's the RAM.


Remove all stick of memory, nothing else. Plug in the power and turn on the machine and see if you get a long post beep error code, you should without the memory installed, well at least for Award BIOS mobo's that is wink


If you still don't get a beep even without RAM installed then you have to start looking at something else causing the problem.


You may want to try out another PS or simply remove everything except the CPU, heatsink fan and memory and see if the mobo POST's or not. This includes disconnecting all drives as well, both the data and power cables to see if there is a loading issue or not.

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