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Windows XP Checked/Debug version

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Hello all,


I was recently give the gift on MSDN Subscritions by my parents ( I am an apiring programmer). Anyway, one of the platforms included in the package is Called "Windows XP Professional Checked/Debug Build"


Does anyone here happen to know exactly what this is? I also got the standard verion of Windows XP Pro, and I was just wondering which one I should be installing on my development machine. I tried searching the MSDN site, for I got overwhelmed with the information and could not find a clear answer on what the differnce is between the two versions.


Thanks in advance for any information given



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It's a version of Windows XP that contains all the debug code/symbols in case of problems. It runs in debug mode when booting, which slows it down a bit. Probably oughta stay away from it for normal use smile

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