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Anyone play Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy yet?

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I fiddled with the demo, and it seemed more like a mission pack/companion to Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast, rather than a whole new game, but anyone played the full version yet?

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I have, and no it is all new missions but with some old faces thrown in from the other game. This one you start off with force powers earlier, etc.

The game is fun but I didn't find it outstanding or anything.Graphics are sweet though.

I would recommend the game but only if you get it for a good price.


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I agree very good game, it is a mission style game but the missions are all very short making the entire game not as long as i would have hoped. Also the game i felt was very easy even on the master level. Disapointing a bit since i was expecting more because of how much i loved JK-II. Overal a pretty good game if you can get it for a good price. For now id say play Knights of the Old republic you wont be disapointed at all. Best game out there right now.




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Yeah it is pretty expensive right now, 64 dollars Canadian at FutureShop. Might be a better buy when it hits the discount bins.

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I've played it through both "stories". I give it a 6 out of 10. I don't think its worth buying new unless you're harcore about gaming.


The new saber abilities are nice, but there isn't much new here.

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I've played it through both "stories". I give it a 6 out of 10. I don't think its worth buying new unless you're harcore about gaming.


The new saber abilities are nice, but there isn't much new here.

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