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Can somebody post or e-mail me the show desktop link?

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Hi Gang,

I did something stupid I was repairing somebody's computer and somehow the show desktop link was on their desktop and not in the quicklaunch tray. Well I deleted it off the desktop before I noticed that it wasn't in the QuickLaunch tray. Can somebody e-mail me the ShowDesktop link or post it here?

Thanks in Advance,

Christian Blackburn

Christian _ Blackburn (at) Hotmail (guess) COM

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type this into notepad:




then save it as "Show Desktop.scf" make sure no .txt is appended

last copy this file to "Application Data/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Quick Launch" of the users folder in "documents and settings"

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Hi El Vago 32,

That's exactly what I do, but this is a for a customer so theres a need to leave it as I found it or better smile. Most people can't work a keyboard. I personally get more done on my keyboard than the mouse, but then again most of the time I'm using a computer I'm programming, not surfing the web.

Cheers and thanks for the otherwise excellent suggestion,


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A big thanks goes to Silver-Dagger and Chris D. Emery for providing the correct solution.

You Guys Rock!,

Christian Blackburn

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Other thing u can do instead of that is:

Winkey + D
Sure it works.

Cool tip, I actually didn't know that, yet I use WIN+R and WIN+E all the time...

Thank you!

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Hi Adam,

Yes there are some great Windows keyboard Shortcuts out there. However I have yet to find in help a single listing that points out all of them.

Some of the most useful that haven't already been mentioned would be

ALT + F4 - Close a program

ALT + Space, N - Minimizes an app

F6 - Moves between the web content and the address bar in IE

Ctrl +O, URL - opens a url in IE

Windows + F - Brings up a search window

Tab cycles forward though the controls on a form, while Ctrl+Tab cycles in reverse through the controls.


Everyone should know the basic word processing key combos:

If you have Notepad from Windows 2000 or ME or Newer it's a great idea to memorize the keyboard shortcuts in their menus they'll be used in programs made by all sorts of companies.


Good text editing keyboard combos include:

Ctrl + (Right or left)- moves from word to word

Shift + (Right or Left) - highlights a single character at a time in the given direction, keep pressing the arrow key and it'll select yet another character


Ctrl + Shift + (Right or Left) - highlights in a given direction a word at a time.


Ctrl + Shift + (Home or End) - highlights from the cursor location to the beginning or end of a document.


I'm sure there's more and I'll reply if I can think of some other goodies. Everyone post good shortcuts.


Christian Blackburn

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ctrl+f - also give a search window


F10 - allows access to the file / tools etc option in an explorer window


ctrl+w - closes IE / explorer windows



Alt+tab - cycles through open programs - good if u have alot of windows open.

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Hi Mr. Guverment,

Yes Ctrl+F is good and in many programs an initial search can be started with F3 and repeated by the same key. However once an initial search criteria has been specified F3 only means Find Again and you'll have to press Ctrl+F to specify something else to search for.


Alt+ Space displays the Control Menu


F2 Renames a File


F3 initiates a search starting at the current folder in an explorer window


Windows + R bring up the run menu


Windows + Pause displays the computer properties


Ctrl+Shift+Esc brings up Task Manger


Ctrl+Esc displays the start menu


Also don't forget that you can set your own application hotkeys via the a shortcut's properties window.

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