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Want to rename files,random name

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Can any of you think of a way, to rename all the files in a folder to each have a random filename?

I am compiling DVD's of episodes I have, and I want to batch rename them all to ave random names. This way, when i drag them into my DVD-authoring software, the episode order will automatically be random(for playback) and I would have to go through them and randomise manually.

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I'm not sure I get what you are trying to do, but here is a shot.


If you are using XP you can batch rename all the files in a given folder, but they will all become sequential.


For example:

Highlight all the files in a given folder (control A).

rename the first file in the folder and then include "(1)" (without the ") at the end of the file name. Ex. filename (1).jpg


Hit enter. All the files in the folder will rename to filename (1).jpg

filename (2).jpg

filename (3).jpg


This will work for all files in a folder, they do not all have to be the same extension. It will work if the files in a folder are for example: jpeg, mpeg, avi, mov etc. in the same folder.


If this is not what you are trying to do I apologize, maybe it will be help to someone else.

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What I am tring to do is, give all the files in a folder I specify a


this way they will all be out of order instead of alphabetical.

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You fool. There is no such thing as random. This task is impossible. (If you want pseudo-random file names then it may be possible.)

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OK Mr. Smarty pants.


Pseudo random will be fine.


Trying to sound Uber l33t saying computers can't do real random........ Uggg


Now who's the fool.

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Regardless of me being a "Mr Smarty Pants", or not, my statement was correct (if not helpful).

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Regardless of me being a "Mr Smarty Pants", or not, my statement was correct (if not helpful).

Who cares.
You lose.

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