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Best FPS of the past couple of years?

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I have a dozen picks but System Shock 2 will always be a classic in my opinion. Great gameplay, great story, great RPG elements: it's an all-around good time for anyone looking for a slower-paced, survival/horror FPS. (Not to mention you can find it for $10-$20 now since it's a few years old)

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System shock 2 is out of print now, I had to get it on Ebay,


Playing it right now.


Is quite the game



The Best FPS though in the last 3years is Halo


No other game even comes close.

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I still have the original cds for both system shock 1 and 2. To this day these are the only beginning and sequel games that I loved and truly felt that the spirit and quality of the first game was intensified in the sequel.

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I never played the first one



ALthough I read somewhere part of the last couple levels in SS2 are from the first

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yeah they kinda bring us SS1 players back at the end, was really creepy and cool at the same time smile

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I think that it is one of the only games that really creeped me out while playing. although Clive Barkers Undying was creepy also.

Those are my top two for great scary games although they are worlds apart in terms of feel and gameplay.



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My wife was standing behind me one night while I was playing, It was like 4 am and I was alone with Headphones on


I damn near had a heart attack

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OK... all this talk of System Shock2 has me interested. After looking around a little bit I see that a patch gives it coop multiplay. Has anyone tried this? How well does it work? I'll probably try this game anyway, but coop is a big plus in my book smile



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Sorry to be obvious and cliched, but shouldn't Half-Life, Deus Ex and Blood 1 be mentioned.


Having said that I've never actually played on System Shock 1 & 2.....

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Yes doom...

Never got to play the very first one, I just downloaded a shareware version but it doesn't work, such a pity.


Even worse is the fact that my PC can't play Doom 3, thought I have seen it played and it looks and sounds (sound and music are just as important as graphics for the atmosphere don't forget) absolutely fantastic.




Just got to twiddle my thumbs for Half-Life 2 now.....

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