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Any Known Problems w/Golf Resort Tycoon?

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New Here - New to XP in NT environment.


XP is great - save the headaches - :x


Before I plunge and waste "more" money.... ;(


Anyone know whether Golf Resort Tycoon is compat. w/NT/2000/XP?


Any Assistance would be appreciated!


Traderg02 ;(

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If I misinterpreted the message on how my friend setup my system - (NT Environment) what - other - might cause Sim Golf etc., to run amuck - Opeing Screen with blimp - then x) 8) when all system checks indicate GO and lastest software is installed incluing Direct X 9...? w/32 Meg 3D Excellorated Video Card - Enough Memory (160 Meg RAM)????


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

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Usally there's no need to worry about XP compatailty sence XP Pro has Capatiblity toolkit in it native. Personally, you'll probally have a few querks to contend with but other than that no real problems,

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