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ThC 129

Auto set priority class

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I have a game that uses a launcher to load it and I was wondering if there was a way to set the priority of the program the launcher loads to high without having to alt-tab out and do it every time i load the game. I tried fooling with wintasks but can't get it to set the process to anything but RealTime.


Any other ideas?

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thx for the replies. No its not system shock 2 its Planetside. Also this tool sets the processor affinity. Im not looking to run on one processor Im looking to run it at High Priority all the time.

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i found a cool work around. A command line program called process.exe will change the priority class of the program. All I had to do then was just set up a batch file calling process.exe to raise the priority of planetside.exe to high.


The problem is that 2 different EXEs launch the game. There is the launchpad which is its own app, then that calls Planetside.exe so even if i launched launchpad at high planetside would still run normal.



So I made a batch file and put in "process /high planetside.exe" and set it to the key combo ctl-alt-h so now when Im in game all I have to do is hit clt-alt-h and the priority raises to high from normal. Then to bring is back down again I just hit clt-shit-n and it brings it back down to normal.

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