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Drive Copying Software

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Hi, does anyone know of any free software that can copy an entire hard drive to another drive of equal size? I had a hard drive start making clicks of death about an hour ago, and I'm hoping that by stick it in the freezer that it'll work long enough to recover the data. I've done it before on it's sister drive (I bought these two 60gig drives about 4 years ago, the other drive died about 3 months ago, same problem)


I normally wouldn't care about imaging the drive, except that this particular drive is my C:\ drive, and I really don't want to go through formatting and installing windows all over again.


So I'm asking; does anyone know of a program that can copy an entire hard drive (partitions/data/boot sector/etc) easily, and is free? I'm completely broke right now, so buying recovery software is out of the question unfortunately.


Any help is much appreciated.

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I actually use Powerquest's Partition Magic and its "copy partition" function. Works great, but ain't free.

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