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Task scheduler refuse to run .cmd no log

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2000 servr domain controller. here i the batch.



cd users

xcopy *.* /s blah blah couple other switches not relevant to issue.


When i run the batch it runs. when i set task scheduler to run it, it blinks up then goes away. So, I tried >\log.txt

the log is empty when it tries to run fom task scheduler. the user account used to run the task is the main Domain Admin account.

When doble clicked manually it runs, copies everything, and makes a nice fat logfile.



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I tried to duplicate your problem and could not. I would suggest putting "pause" statements into the cmd file to see how far it goes and/or if it gets a error message that is closing before you can see it. Sorry i could not be more help.

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Problem solved. Here is what happened. Task scheduler in this case does not have access to the windows path. When I did a copy blah t worked because copy is an internal command. When I Hard Code xcopy's location, it works.


Go figure.

For example: to copy one folder and all subdirectories to the d: drive: and create a log in the root of f:



cd User_Shared_Folder

c:\winnt\system32\xcopy *.* d:\backup\users /e /c /v /h /r /y >\bloguser.txt


Now the question is is this normal? When i doublle click the batch it works, when task scheduler runs the task the batch has no access to the path and can't find xcopy and fails.

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