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DHCP Error

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Ok heres the problem im on Server 2k3 Ent Ed. A cable line with a Linksys NIC. I used to be running through a DLINK router, but no more. Since then my internet has dropped in and out. It cant get a DHCP address so no internet. The only way to get back online is to hard boot the modem. I called my ISP they ran test for 20 mins, not to mention the OS wasnt even an option for them to check laugh . Nothing, they told me a tech needs to look at it. I know its not the line nore the modem, its gotta be somethin in Server2k3. Its a single line :::Cable-Modem-Enet-NIC:::

Does anyone have a clue as to how to fix this?? please help i dont want to go back to the cluttered XP Pro. I transformed to a workstation and DL a lot. It goes out more often when i use Shareaza. The ISP said something about clogging UDP Ports






EDIT...when it goes down i get 0's for ip then when i try to repair without modem hard boot i get a generic ip with no interent.


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Does your ISP tie your connectivity to the MAC address of the card? If so, changing from the Dlink to the Win2k3 server will affect this. You'll have to call them back and ask them if they need the mac address. If so, then go to a command prompt and type "ipconfig /all" and tell them the mac address (hardware address) of the card that should be connecting to the net.

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Ok i called back and asked them if they needed the mac for the nic and they said no, it should get it automatically. Still aving problems but ive narrowed it to it only occurs when Shareaza is open for a while

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