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Constant DNS lookup failures?

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Anyone else started having this problem recently? In the last week I keeping getting "page not found" errors with common websites like MSN, Yahoo, CNN, etc. Works for a while and then IE will tell me the site cannot be found.

If I do a DNS lookup from DOS it will return an IP properly. If I flush the DNS cache with ipconfig /flushdns the pages will work again, for a while. It's very random and sporadic, very frustrating. Only started happening in the last 2 weeks or so, after installing TurboTax and the latest MS patches. I'm running XP SP1 all patches, SBC DSL. Maybe a bug in the latest IE patch?

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How about a DNS issue with your carrier, in this case SBC ?!?


Perhaps they are doing some upgrades and/or they are having some sporadic issues with DNS wink


Here's the tell-tale for an issue with the carrier rather then on your machine, the next time this occurs, just type in the direct IP address for each site that you can no longer get to via www.msn.com or www.yahoo.com etc...


If each can be reached via this method then check your current IP info with the ipconfig /all command from the prompt and then note the carriers primary and secondary DNS servers.


Perhaps the primary is sometimes getting hammered and is not failing over to the secondary DNS server, just don't know for sure.


One other note, when this failure occurs, do you also lose email server responses as well ?!? Hit the send/receive button for you email client and see if there is a problem there too when this issue comes about next wink

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