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Setting up WebMail

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Quick Q - I want to be able to log onto my email accounts via the web - I understand this is possible with MS Exchange, however I have a Server2k3 box (connected to XP clients) and am sure I read somewhere this is possible via existing software on that OS. Can anyone confirm, and perhaps advise how I go about achieving this?


If you need any more info, just ask smile



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I work for an domain registrar and I got a tech call today with someone that did indeed have that very same setup. I think it's called Outlook Web Access OWA from what I can remember him saying... Unfortunately he didn't tell me how he set it up. I will try to find out more for you if I can.

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OWA is part of Exchange Server 5.5, 2000 & 2003. If you don't have Exchange, you can't use OWA.


How are the XP machines getting their e-mail? Are they just connecting to the ISPs POP server? If that's the case, there isn't an application (as far as I'm aware) that will allow you to read e-mail remotely.


Generally, all web mail programs require the use of some central e-mail server, but there are other options to Exchange if you don't want to spend that kind of money: MDaemon and ArGoSoft are 2 that spring to mind.


Hope this helps



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