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Dual boot help

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I'm a newbie at this dual booting stuff. I have 2 scsi drives. Drive 0 is 98 and 1 XP. I installed 98 on 0 first then XP on 1. I need to hide the drives from eachother. I'm having trouble installing stuff like DirectX because they don't give me a choice of which disk I want to install to. They assume Windows is on C: (98). I don't know very much about partitions and all that good stuff. I have Partition Magic installed on XP but I can only hide D: (XP)


Perhaps I should change drive letters around and see if DirectX installs correctly?


Making D: NTSF would hide XP from 98, but how would I hide 98 from XP?


I really don't want to scrap it all and start over, but if I have to in order to set it up right then...

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i'm not totally sure about this but i think its actually impossible to hide c: because otherwise your computer wont be able to boot

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