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Help with a simple problem..

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Hey all reading this,


I'm a windows person myself but i am building a machine to simply store files too. I've been thinking and have decided to make it a UNIX base OS. What OS do you recommend for Networking, simple webserver for home use and even a mail server would be great. i'm not looking for the easiest one to use, i'm looking for the one with the best features.. thanks everyone.

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You say you're 'a Windows person' and I assume ( perhaps incorrectly) that you're competent in understanding and configuring your chosen OS. You know how long it took you to become really proficient in windows, so, what makes you think that you can effortlessly setup a Linux file server.


Almost any of the Linux distros will make a superior file server, but, not without a more than basic knowledge of Linux. If you're willing to take the time to learn then fine... Otherwise, I think you'd be better advised to stay with another windows rig.

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jimf43 harse words mate. i'll explain my level of knowledge and my computer system. at the moment i have 1 windows 2003 server machine, i have 2 xp computers and then mine which is either xp or 2000, but now i'm getting another computer, just building it from spare parts. i created a domain without no experience in about 10 mins. i have used linux before mandrake 9.2 but couldn't find a good windows emulator for my games. basically when i want something done i'll get it done. so i will learn sumba (not sure on spelling), and anything else if someone says this is good stuff or not. and plz don't judge me when you don't know who i am, i read alot of tutorials of the net. some people call me a nerd because this is what i'm interested in.

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Originally posted by koreviper:

jimf43 harse words mate.

I'm not trying to be harsh... just realistic, and, trying to save you grief smile. Doing a hobby/test installation and building a server installation that you 'must' rely on are two entirely different animals. You want your file/print/mail server to be ultra reliable, and, You must be aware that 'you' will be the one supporting that. If you accept that, Debian has impressed me as is a very solid platform for the project.


I'm an Engineer and Systems Administrator who's worked with Dos, OS/2, and Windows/NT for its entire existence. I've used Linux in one form or another for the last four years and seriously for the last year. I figure that it will be at least another six months before I feel as comfortable in Linux as I do in W2K. Linux is a very powerful and 'complex' OS...


Personally. I wouldn't hesitate to use a Linux server on any 'all Linux' network but I think W2K pro would be my choice on a small mixed network. The problem is that (in my experience) Linux access to windows files is much better than Windows access to Linux. This is counter intuitive when the file server is running on Linux. If you want to do this with Linux then be cautious and start with a testing build.

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