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block users from installing stuff....but not really?

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My mom and sister cant seem to grasp the concept of clicking no or exiting out of popups and popped up programs from the internet.


I just fix the computer for them. They had so much ad ware, and other unwanted tool bars and shit like golden palace all over the computer that it would barely run! I just got back and the shit has really hit the fan. I have to ctrl + alt + delete to actually even start up explorer under their profiles.


I want to configure a way to make sure they dont install programs from the internet. I cant block them out 100% because they will explode if they cant install something so I want to create a way for a popup to come up that says "Hold the fuck on here, you are about to install something, now I've told you never to install stuff, are you 100% sure you should install this??? actually, call arin first and make sure you should install this"


something along those lines would be nice.


I dont know if there is any way to do this in mmc, and I kind of doubt it, but is there atleast anything I can do, like maybe prevent installation from the internet. That atleat would stop some stuff if they would have to install downloaded exe's or from cd's rather than stuff that popups from the web.



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You need 3 partitions.

- Hidden ghost image partition

- System partition

- Data/peronal partition


Then once a week the machine automatically re-clones itself to erase the problem. We do this with the public library access machines, except they do it every day.


If this isn't acceptable, install Google Toolbar for the popups, get APKs host file to kill ads etc and then fiddle with the Internet Exploiter security settings to limit ability to install sheit that comes from the web.


Hope this helps.


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As mentioned by Felix, I have the same setup for our sales force.


OS Partition

Data Partition

Image partition


Once per month, the system automatically reimages itself using Ghost. We have some scripts that look at some pre-determined files to rename the PC, setup outlook, and a few other apps.


Patchlink is installed automatically after the reimage and it downloads all the MS patches and custom app updates from our patchlink server.


I know that seems extreme, but setting them as power users does not help since they re-add some of our demo software.


You can have their logins as power users and make an admin account for them to use when they REALLY need to install software.


Good luck with it...

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