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Hugo 6

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Hi there!


I recently assembled a computer for my uncle; it's a P2-350 running Windows 2000 SP4 with DirectX 9.0b (yeah, overkill, I know, but it's the only DX version I had a full installer handy of ;)).

Now there's this little seven year old boy they have, and he obviously wants to use the machine for playing games. He has two games so far; Autobahn Raser (which is crap IMHO, but works just fine) and Hugo 6 (which is crap as well and doesn't. Ah yes, back then when we didn't have any taste in games...). Here is the official Hugo web site for folks who don't have the slightest clue what I'm talking about.


Originally, Hugo 6 didn't even start, which was easily remedied by creating a shortcut to it that was set to Win95 compatibility mode. The game starts just nicely and the menu displays, but upon starting a game, another problem pops up. The image is horribly distorted and overlaying itself a couple of times.

I'm fairly sure as to the cause of the problem - I've seen the problem so very often in many different games, it's usually the game setting a refresh rate that the monitor can't handle. The problem is that Hugo has absolutely no useful options related to this, and I have no idea which resolution it's running in either. This is where you come in - any ideas? smile



Thanks in Advance,



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I tried hugo 2 on my winXP and it works without a problem except for the sound wich I fixed with VDMsound.

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