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KDE Start menu

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I was trying to add something to my start menu and accidently hit the remove application menu. I have the menu back but it does not look the same. Can someone please tell me how to restore the menu to the wat it was before? I feel pretty stupid right about now!! LOL Also the Icon for it is different. Shows a folder instead of the Mandrake icon. Thank you

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I'm looking at this now.


Are the deleted files in the trash bin?

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Talk about feeling stupid, the first time I tried Gnome, I accidently fixed it to where clicking any of the desktop icons opened the same application! :lol:



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Boy Dapper Dan, That would certainly be irritating to say the least. But rather funny as well. smile No there is nothing in the trash. I could post a screen shot of how it appears now if that would help. I don't know what to do. I figured if I just looked at what options were available in the add/ edit section I would be able to fix it but no luck so far. I can still access all my programs, it just looks different.

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Hey everyone, I got this figured out. Right click on the icon to get the menu editor and then go to add-->kmenu


Got it all back the way it is supposed to be.

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Ah... I was just going to suggest that. Probably better that you found it for yourself tho smile.

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