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I am as fresh in Linux as a man can be...


A day a go I found my ex-PC in a corner of my "office". Thought maybe I could install Linux on it to try something new. Ordered I new 120MB HD from Seagate (Barracuda 7200.7) Plugged it in, and booted with the Mandrake 10.0 Community Edition CD from the Linux Format cover. My Fujitsu-Siemens Silverline 1.3GHz from 2002 seemed OK, but....


When I try to install Mandrake 10 from the LWF cover CD, I:


1. Found out (after searhing the Internet) that I had to use "linux noapic acpi=no ide=nodma" to make the installation start. If I just pressed "Enter" in the start-up menu, nothing happened.

2. When installing, I have to remove the hardrive jumper, or else nothing happens.

3. When starting the system after installing is completed, I have to set the jumper in the "Master" position, or else "Operating system not found" appeares.

4. When starting with the jumper in the master position, the OS load stopps with a messages:


mount: error 6 mounting ext3 flags defaults

well, ....

mount: error 6 mounting ext3

well, ....

mount: error 6 mounting ext3

well, ....

pivotroot: pivot_root(/sysroot,/sysroot/initrd) failed: 2

Remounting devf ac current place if necessary

Maounted devfs on /dev

Freeing unused kernel memory: 272k freed

Kernel panic: No init found. Try passing init= option to kernel.

spurious 8259A interrupt IRQ7


And that's that.


I have NO, I repeat NO, idea what to do, or what to try. I have also tried rewiring and reinstalling, but nothing I have tried had no effect at all.


Anyone? shockedshocked

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