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Real Player 7.0 and TNT on BP6

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I have had problems with Real Player 7 for a long time now. Basicly what happens is that when I am playing some movies it puts my monitor in hybernate mode and I can't recover. It has done this since Real Player was in beta. So I thought it was a beta bug. However, now I think it is my system. I have the newest TNT 3.75 drivers and I have used just about every driver that has come out for the TNT in win2k. Same problem. The only thing else I have that may be the reason is my BP6 mobo. Is there a setting I am missing? Has anyone else had this problem, I haven't seen anything about it. It must be my system because everyone has posted that RP 7.0 works in win2k.


Thanks for any help,



P.S. I know I shouldn't post in both sections but I am not sure which is the problem hardware or software.

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I got the same problem with RP7 and the 3.75 did not change anything. However I found a workaround for this, in the preference menu, choose the performance tab and disable video optimization. On my computer it works well and I don't have any pb.

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Got the same problem with my Geforce and 3.69 drivers. However if you press the win key, type cmd <enter> and the ald+enter (to fullscreen the command window) and type exit you can get back to windows.

Sometimes this problem also occurs when whatching live video with MS mediaplayer smirk

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