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How to install Windows XP on RAID 0 without a floppy drive?

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I have seen a similar topic before right here but i can't find it with the new looks of the site!!!


I want to install Windows XP Pro on a Promise Fasttrack s150 TX4 controller Raid, but as you know it needs the drivers (press F6 to install drives), but i don't have a floppy drive and Windows Setup can read drivers from drive "A" ONLY. I want to know if anyone did come up with any solutions besides buying a Floppy drive that i will never use for anything else!


I thinks this is something Microsoft should really look at for their future release of OS's.


is there any ways i use a USB Flash key to become drive "A"? or is there any ways the windows setup could be customizedso it could brows the CD and find the drivers on CD?


I appreciate any ideas or any related information that could help. wink


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You'll have to make a customized disc with the drivers on it and the redirects for it as well. Offhand, I don't have a link available.

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