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Fedora Core 2 Sata....

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i have finally came to terms with RH9 2.4 kernel not supporting Sata Drives, and have read that FC2 does because of the 2.6 kernel. the only thing that's stuffed right now is that i can't find an appropriate driver disk for the SATA disk.


i have siI3112A onboard with the Asus A7N8X-E deluxe. i have 2 * 120 GB Western Digial HDD's on raid 0. if someone knows where i could get a driver disk i would be into to that person.


there is no way i would use an standard ATA hdd to boot from.




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I have exactly the same MOBO using a WD 120Gb on the SATA

FC 2 works fine setting bios to boot from SCSI smile

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